





In the Crabitat | Mary Akers

介紹IG認識的Mary Akers, 成功人工繁殖陸寄居蟹的美國飼養者, 從2017年開始嘗試, 2018年成功.

其他以住的成功個案, 如台灣, 日本, 德國, 澳州等等, 可以看以下:

超ヤドカリ図鑑 - オカヤドカリ属 


事源最近去看這個1.023world網站, 發現介紹寄居蟹的「超ヤドカリ図鑑」版面更新了, 加了很多有心人提供的圖片, 還有圖片出處結連. 這個圖鑑也介紹陸寄居蟹「オカヤドカリ科 」.

謝謝管理員明林先生, 加了一張我拍攝的Coenobita violascens圖, 出處結連也連結了陸寄居蟹研究室內品種介紹的日文版, 希望更多日本飼養者也可以了解陸寄居蟹各品種.  

Do you agree people suggest STOP buying hermit crabs?

Do you agree ➡ some people suggest STOP buying hermit crabs (land hermit crabs/terrestrial hermit crabs/Coenobita)?

No demand, no supply, we all know this concept. But do we have method to STOP people buying hermit crabs? NO. So the first step is we should think about how to reduce the demand.

1. Prevent overharvesting just like Japan ➡In Japan, hermit crabs in Okinawa are recognized as a Natural Monuments. The handling of Natural Monuments is determined by national and prefectural laws. Only certain businesses are licensed to collect and sell hermit crabs. The license also regulates the quantity legally allowed to be harvested per year.

2. Educate people how to take care of hermit crabs ➡ I think the big problem is many people DO NOT KNOW how to take care of them. Many people think that hermit crabs are short lived pets, only have 1-2 year life expectancy. When hermit crabs died, people will buy again, vicious circle. But in fact hermit crabs can live over 10 years in crabitat if we take care of them properly. For example, over 40 years in in US, over 15 years in Japan, mine also over 10 years. Let’s imagine if life expectancy of all our crabs is at least 10 years, we do need to buy any news crabs frequently.

On the other hand, some people would just say, STOP buying hermit crabs, just release them to the wild. These people really do not know much about them. Hermit crabs always export to the places that no natural habitat suitable for them. There is no better way than take good care of them.


截自20200412日本節目「世界遺產」, 介紹加拉帕戈斯群島的象龜, 當中一小段, 出現椰子蟹和陸寄居蟹(但中文字幕有錯, 出現的陸寄居蟹不是西伯利斯陸寄居蟹, 應該橙紅陸寄居蟹).




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Email: tony_coenobita@hotmail.com



[07/06 Tony]
[07/06 Momoko]
[07/08 手语]
[05/30 手语]
[05/29 Tony]



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