





Contact: Lynn Schneider, Director of PR (239) 454-2207

Resident Owns Two 29-Year-Old Hermit Crabs
by Eric Kurfess

FORT MYERS - If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning, you may feel a little crabby. Well, here at Shell Point, we were lucky enough to find someone who wakes up on the right side of the bed with the same feeling(這段應是一些諺語, 所以沒有翻譯). Carol Ann Ormes (Parkwood) is the loving caretaker of her two pet crabs. Carol has what may be the two oldest living land hermit crabs in the world. Jonathan Livingston Crab and Crab Kate will turn 29 years old in August, far surpassing the life span of your average land hermit crab. And Carol should know- her online photo gallery is one of the top links from the unofficial crab website, CrabStreetJournal.com. 
Carol Ann Ormes (Parkwood)是2隻陸寄居蟹(西伯利斯陸寄居蟹)的飼養者(照顧者). Carol飼養的陸寄居蟹可能是全世界年齡最大的. Jonathan Livingston Crab(寵物名稱) 及 Crab Kate (寵物名稱)在今年(2005年)八月將會是29歲, 超越了一般陸寄居蟹的平均年齡. Carol知道, 她的網上相簿是非正式陸寄居蟹網站(CrabStreetJournal.com)中的其中一個最受歡迎的網.

Land hermit crabs in captivity typically have a life span of one or two years, depending on how well they are taken care of. After nearly three decades, Carol clearly takes every possible precaution to ensure her tiny friends' safety and good health. When asked about her secret to the crabs' longevity, she said, "Since the crabs came from a humid climate, I figured I should create a tank that was humid for them." Other enthusiasts are known to keep their crabs in a dry, sandy environment, but according to Carol, this results in a shorter life span, as the crab will dry out and their exo-skeleton will become brittle and crack. 
陸寄居蟹在人工飼養下, 一般壽命是1至2年, 這視乎於飼養者如何照顧牠們. 在這接近30個世紀的日子裏, Carol顯然十分謹慎地飼養牠們, 以確保牠們安全和健康. 當問到她的飼養要點時, 她說:"因為陸寄居蟹來自濕度高的地方, 我認為要製作一個那樣濕度高的飼養缸." 其他飼養者會認為要把牠們飼養在一些乾燥的環境. 但Carol認為其結果是很快死亡, 因為陸寄居蟹會太乾而缺水, 而甲殼也會變得很脆和粗糙.

Each crab has his own distinct personality. Jonathan, for instance, is an adventurer and war veteran. Carol explains: "Jonathan is an explorer and he wants to get out and run around. He once climbed up the bathroom wall. When I wasn't looking he fell off and he broke about a nickel-sized hole in his shell. That was the first time it had happened in 29 years, so I had to give him a quick bath. Then I concocted a patch with a purple heart for him and he just loved it." 
每隻個體也會有所不同性格, 例如Jonathan是冒險家和戰士, Carol解釋: Jonathan很喜歡探索新事物, 牠總是想出來走走. 曾試過爬到了浴室的牆上, 當時沒有好好看著牠, 而從牆上跌下來, 螺殼也穿了一個洞. 事後我給牠一個浸浴.


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