




Save Straws (P. Perlatus) 救救橙紅陸寄居蟹

以下是我在外國討論區所發表的文章(還有其他飼養者的回覆), 內容是說大家也知道橙紅陸寄居蟹是很難飼養的品種, 也業者還在不斷捕捉和販賣, 從另一角度來看, 其實我們正在殺害牠們......

Every one know Straws are the most difficult species that can be kept as pet in tank.

Most of them cannot keep them over 1 year. Until now, we cannot find more information on how to keep them well and healthy.

So, why supplier still imported, harvest so many Straws in the wild?

Just my own thinking, it seems that we are now killing that species.

It is good idea if we can know more about their natural life before keep them as pet.

However, there is no more detail about their natural life in the wild.

Just moving this topic to the Activism forum  

I agree with you 100% Tony. Would definately like to see more information available for pet owners to be able to keep all of their crabs happy and healthy, more needs to be known for sure.

Thought you would be interested to hear that in Australia, there are very strict guidelines on the practice of harvesting Straws. Only a couple of hundred can be harvested each year and in certain areas such as the Barrier Reef Islands, it is declared national park area and no harvesting of Straws can be done there.


It seems to me that this logic applies to all crabs, not just straws. Unfortunately it seems that here in the US, most people don't take hermit crabs very seriously. The folks here at the HCA are the exception, but the majority seem to view hermit crabs as 'living toys' for children. They don't expect a hermit crab to live more than a few months. Many hermit crabs are harvested and killed each year out of ignorance. And if you take your hermit crabs seriously, most people think you are strange or childish and you need to get a 'real' pet.

Hopefully, someone will figure out how to breed land hermit crabs in captivity. I think if we are able to do that, we will solve many other problems at the same time because in order to breed an animal, the condition and health of the animal have to be optimal.



Personally I don't understand why there's so many people that think that straws are so very delicate. Before I moved (and had to re-home them) I had 3, I had them for just over 2 years, and they all molted multiple times without any difficulty (one was even a surface molt and still had no issues at all). None of them came from good pet store conditions, although the first two I got were only in the store for maybe 5-6 hours before I got there. None of them seemed the least bit stressed, and because of them tearing through the iso tanks I wasn't able to keep them in iso for more than a few days after getting them. I'm talking tipping dishes over multiple times in an hour, dumping food everywhere, digging sand into everything- this went on day and night when I first got them and was trying to iso.

I keep all my crabs in playsand, the only time they're in contact with EE is when I grow them sprouts. I put one UTH on the back wall that's recommended for that size tank. I don't use heat lamps or any other type of lights, other than the light that comes in through the windows. One thing that I've done with my tanks that have straws (and I've gotten lots of flack in the past on here for saying this) is that I keep the humidity at 80%-85%. I'm not saying I keep it at 85%, I'm saying I let it go up to that, and I don't let it go below 80%. Mine anyways always seemed to become less active when it dropped below 80%, I also had e's in with them, and they seemed to also be fine in those conditions. I also always have dishes deep enough for them all to submerge in. Not all of them went in it right away, most of the crabs it takes weeks before they even try to go all the way in, but once they do they're in it more and more. In my opinion, the straws would be closer to the beaches in the wild, so naturally they would go into the ocean more often than other species.

I'm not saying any of this is necessary for them, I'm just saying that this is how I kept mine and I never had any problems with them or thought in any way that they were very delicate. I don't know if maybe it's because the first ones I got them almost right when the store got them in, but my third one was in appalling conditions and there were lots of dead crabs, and he was the most destructive and active in the iso. Also if I know I'm planning on buying new crabs (of any species), I always bring a tupperware container with me to transport them in that has damp paper towels in it. I think they've already been in contact with poor conditions for long enough, why prolong it with the car ride home? Just thought I'd share my experience with straws in general. I don't know if any of it's helpful or not, sorry it got so long. 


Hi Tony  

I can't say that I know much at all about how they live in Australia. The only information that I have found out is that Straws here are harvested from islands and coral cays in the Coral Sea(off the coast of Queensland). 
It would be great to find out more information of course, that's something that I'm always trying to do, but in the mean-time there's a marine biologist that I know in my town and we've had a long chat about this, and he said that Straws have a high UV requirement and of course require high humidity levels. It would be nice though to find out more about their diet in the wild.

Nicaha, I think keeping straws in 80-85% is good, that's what I keep my Straw in 


Hi nicaha,

Your 2years experience is valuable to us.

If you can share your Straws tank photo, then we can know more about the decoration of your tank. It may

help us.

Could you tell us more about your tank. e.g. 
-tank with spring water dish? 
-tank with salt water dish? 
-what food you always feed them? 
-what temperature you keep (use UTH to keep the temperature)?

You said "don't understand why there's so many people that think that straws are so very delicate", but you

know, there are still many many people do not know how to take care their carbs, even their crabs are not

Straws. So, I really hope you can share more information with us.




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[07/06 Tony]
[07/06 Momoko]
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