




飼養橙紅陸寄居蟹(Coenobita perlatus)重點在於海水

從以下文章所知, 橙紅陸寄居蟹對海水要求十分高, 因為牠們不會遠離海岸居住, 所以飼養時的要點是一定要有相當高度的海水盆給牠們.

其實在網站內的飼養資料裏也有提及. 海水盆的深度要足夠牠們整隻浸在盆裏.

Geographic Range
Coenobita perlatus is found in the Indo-Pacific from the Islands of Aldabra, Mauritius, and Seychelles through Samoa. These areas are located in the south central Pacific Ocean about 1,600 miles northeast of New Zealand, north of Madagascar and directly above the 10 degree latitude line. (Ingle, 1993)

Coenobita perlatus are found living near coastal shorelines. Coenobita perlatus require regular access to the sea or water of high salinity. They are never far from shore or adjacent dunes, and have been found in tidal pools, sandy areas, and humid areas with dune vegetation. Migration occurs from the dune areas to the sea when C. perlatus need to release their eggs into the water or are in need of water to maintain their body moisture. (Hazlett, 1998, Burggren, 1988, Veltman, 1997)

Physical Description
80 g (average)
(2.82 oz)

800 mm (average)
(31.5 in)

Coenobita perlatus are approximately 80mm long and 80g in body mass. They occupy the multicolored discarded shells of gastropods in order to protect their soft, coiled abdomen and inner organs such as the liver and gonads. These land hermit crabs are decapods, which means they have 10 legs (5 pairs): The first pair is modified as the claws or chelipeds (pinchers), and two pairs of legs are used for walking. The next pair, the claws, are used for defense and transporting food and water to the their mouth. The last two pairs are highly modified but are used more for cleaning than holding on to the shell. When walking, these crabs drag their shells along, but despite this burden, they can run quickly. Each C. perlatus has a loosely fitting carapace that covers the forepart of the body. Coenobita perlatus prefer shells that fit snugly in order to prevent evaporation of moisture and to protect their soft abdomens. Coenobita perlatus have four antennae that help them to sense their surroundings. They have shown some geographic physical variation, but this variations have not been studied in depth.

Male and female C. perlatus can only be distinguished when they are out of their shells. Both the female and male genital pores are located on the coxal ventral surface of each pereiopod (on an appendage of one of the first five abdominal segments), and a long coxal tube (an extension of a pereiopod which is joined broadly to lateral margins of tergites) is present in the male.

(Hazlett, 1998, Burggren, 1988, Veltman, 1997)

These creatures reproduce sexually and will not reproduce in captivity. Reproduction occurs while both individuals are in intermolt (hard-shelled stage), often in or near the burrows of males, or on land near the sea. Male C. perlatus place a spermatophore on the female (externally) which is then dissolved by secretions as the eggs are released. The eggs (about 10,000-50,000 per fertilization) are attached to the pleopods (appendages used for swimming) on the female's abdomen and remain there for some time. Female C. perlatus moisten the eggs with water that is held in the gastropod shell. After the eggs develop, females carry them on their abdomens to the sea, where they leave them on wet sand or a wet rock for the tide to carry them out to sea. The eggs are hatched and the larvae undergo planktonic development. Young C. perlatus are small, molting several times while still at sea in order to reach adult size. They then move to land, where they are vulnerable to their predators until they find a shell. Once C. perlatus have found shells, they live on land the rest of their lives. (Hazlett, 1998, Burggren, 1988, Ingle, 1993, Veltman, 1997)

Longest known lifespan in wild
25-30 years (high)

Expected lifespan in captivity
1-4 years (average)

Coenobita perlatus can live up to 25-30 years in the wild, but once in captivity they typically live from 1-4 years.

Despite the common name hermit crab, which alludes to a solitary lifestyle, these are very social creatures. They travel in groups of about 25 and are found, in the wild, living in colonies of up to 100 or more. Coenobita perlatus are nocturnal. During the day, when it is hot, they bury themselves in the damp sand or take shelter under ledges of logs to keep cool and reduce moisture loss. Afternoon tropical sun is a danger to these crabs because they require a certain amount of moisture for their gills to operate properly. If they become too dry, they can suffocate. In addition to taking cover from the sun, they also have gills on their big claw in order to conserve moisture. These gills must be kept wet to maintain good health.

When C. perlatus no longer fit their shells they look for bigger ones. The original occupant of the shell, if still present, is quickly removed, and the aggressor moves into its new home. If frightened, land hermit crabs may grasp things tightly with their claws. Even the smallest C. perlatus can draw blood if scared. (Hazlett 1988, Ingle 1993)

Communication and Perception
Coenobita perlatus have been observed communicating to one another by making sounds referred to as chirping. They use their antennae to sense smells and have excellent vision. They are also sensitive to vibrations.

Food Habits
Known as "garbage collectors of the seashore," Coenobita perlatus individuals are scavengers, eating a variety of dead and rotting material found along the seashore. These crabs, in general, do not fight over food and can often go long periods of time without food or water. Most C. perlatus carry water in their shells, which the use for breathing and as a water source when they are far from the sea. (Ingle, 1993)

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive
Coenobita perlatus can be used as a source of food for humans, but are most commonly found as household pets. They also play a vital role in seashore clean-up because they are scavengers. By ridding the shoreline of dead sea matter and other material that collects on the shore, hermit crabs are beneficial in keeping the shoreline clean and creating a healthier environment for humans and other aquatic and coastal organisms. (Veltman, 1997)

Humans are currently the greatest danger to Coenobita perlatus. Though these creatures are not going extinct and are not yet endangered, we humans are destroying their habitats, collecting the crabs for food, over- collecting for pet shops, and polluting the environment. There are many conservation actions currently taking place that affect C. perlatus indirectly. These include shoreline clean-up of human pollution, and prevention of pollution by factories and barges. Pollution is a great threat to C. perlatus because they need a healthy environment to reproduce properly, a safe place to grow their eggs, and clean land and water to live on and drink from.

Other Comments
Growth on land is accomplished by the shedding of their exoskeleton. It takes about ten days for their skin to harden after molting, and as they grow larger, they search out roomier shells to more comfortably accommodate thier bodies. (Hazlett, 1998, Veltman, 1997)

不過過去在飼養橙紅陸寄居蟹時因為還未找到相關資料, 所以一直只用淡水來飼養, 雖然牠能成功脫殼2次, 但飼養了1年多後便死亡. 所以我想重要是牠沒有吸取到所需要的鹽分.

上文還有講及橙紅陸寄居蟹能在野外生存25-30年(大部分), 但在飼養下只能活存1-4年(平均).


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