





Coenobita longitarsis的現有資料

經蟹友介紹, 買了一本新書< AQUALOG: Land Hermit Crabs - Distribution, Setting up, Maintenance, Breeding >, 其中一章是介紹陸寄居蟹物種, 憑書中資料找到關於Coenobita longitarsis的文獻資料.

Dr. J. G. de. Man., 1902. Die von Herrn Professor Kükenthal im Indischen Archipel gesammelten Dekapoden und Stomatopoden

可惜文獻不是英文, 不能看懂內容.



前陣子更新陸寄居蟹研究室 - 物種介紹的時候, 西伯利斯陸寄居蟹的內容加多了一個中文名. 


謝謝蟹友之前找回以前農委會漁業署出版, 漁業推廣第152期的資料, 發了給我, 當中郵票中的海洋生物有介紹Coenobita perlatus「橙紅陸寄居蟹」和Coenobita clypeatus「西里伯斯陸寄居蟹」.
雖然不知「橙紅陸寄居蟹」和「西里伯斯陸寄居蟹」是不是屬於生物學家命名的名稱, 但是我記得當年整理物種介紹中文名的時候, 就是找到了這資料, 所以此2個物種的中文名的由來是來自此資料. 回想起來, 應該是當年我把「西里伯斯」的讀音記錯了, 寫出來時變成「西伯利斯」, 後來找不回這資料, 所以不以為意.

現在「西伯利斯」這名字已被大家使用了多年, 大家認為應繼續用「西伯利斯」嗎?


high quality photos from The Biodiversity of Singapore

Here are some high quality photos from The Biodiversity of Singapore that did not show in the article <A new species of land hermit crab in the genus Coenobita Latreille,1829 from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, previously confused with C. cavipes Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae)>

Coenobita lila vs Coenobita violascens

在bilibili, 有蟹友介紹如何分別Coenobita lila和Coenobita violascens.


Coenobita lila - 有"反L"的凹位
Coenobita violascens - 沒有有"反L"的凹位

這個分別能用於很難分別的Coenobita rugosus和Coenobita purpureus嗎?

Credit: 壳壳蟹有意思



目前為止, 我仍然覺得至少有以下5種品種(或所謂亞種)值得去研究.

1. Coenobita pseudorugosus, 論文是有, 但說到底仍然未有很詳細的資料, 如活體的特徵和彩圖是沒有. 現在只知道印尼有此品種.

2. Coenobita violascens的亞種? 東非有棲息和Coenobita violascens很相似的個體, 只是體色比較淺.

3. Coenobita scaevola的亞種? 東非及Seychelles有棲息和Coenobita scaevola很相似的個體.

4. Maldives有棲息一群純白色體色的個體, 和Coenobita rugosus很相似, 但眼柄底沒有黑色斑點(或不明顯).

5. Coenobita carnescen, 到現在還沒有很詳細的資料, 有日本研究生應為是Coenobita perlatus的幼體, 但Coenobita perlatus的幼體, 雖然有部分不是整隻呈橙色, 但會是白色體色著橙色環帶, 而不是白色體色著灰色環帶.


Until now, there should be at least 5 species of Coenobita need to be further studied.

1. Coenobita pseudorugosus, although this species was introduced by scientific article, still no detial information (only specimen drawing), no correct color picture of specimen. Now only know that they can be found in Indonesia.

2. Subspecies of Coenobita violascens? There are some specimens with light body color very similar to Coenobita violascens that can be found in East Africa.

3. Subspecies of Coenobita scaevola? There are some specimens very similar to Coenobita scaevola that can be found in East Africa and Seychelles.

4. There are some specimens very similar to Coenobita rugosus that can be found in Maldives, but no dark band (or not obvious) on the lower surfaces of the eyetalks.

5. Coenobita carnescen, still no detial information, A researcher from Japan think they are juvenile of Coenobita perlatus, but even though some juvenile of Coenobita perlatus is not whole body in orange color, they are white body color with transverse band in orange, not white body color with transverse band in gray/brown.

Above speics information can be read on below link:


[07/06 Tony]
[07/06 Momoko]
[07/08 手语]
[05/30 手语]
[05/29 Tony]



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