It's a summer tradition in many beach and boardwalk towns: you buy the kids a hermit crab in a brightly painted shell, take it home, and then, usually, it dies. You figure they don't live very long, and move on.
P.S.在其網頁有提到一則有趣的事件, Carol Ormes搬家時, 花費了70美元, 替牠們買了機位一同坐飛機. (反之皇帝級的人搬家. 卻把那些飼養多年的個體留在舊址沒搬, 是否還在也不清楚......)
「Carol has moved to Florida, USA all the way from Maryland, USA.Jon and Kate are settling in after their flight on a plane with Carol who paid $70 so that they could have a seat on the plane with her!」