












Amazing movie on Cocos Keeling Islands

Thanks Zephyr Tours credit me to share this movie.

A lot of Coenobita perlatus are eating on the shore. I mean in the shallow sea level, no on the sand beach, very near to the sea water.

泡水? 浸浴? 有需要嗎?

天氣回暖, 很多新手入坑了.


這個問題其實在陸寄居蟹研究室內也有提及, 個人並不主張強制性浸浴(泡水).

新手說業者建議他們, 一星期拿陸寄居蟹出來, 替牠們泡水一次. 也有些業者說一個月一次.


陸寄居蟹研究室內只是我的個人意見. 不如來看看各地飼養者的意見吧.


The Crabstreet Journal(美國):

這個是外國很出名的社團, 網主飼養西伯利斯陸寄居蟹, 現時為止最長的有10-15年.

網站內容有提出正反相方的論點, 但最後網主個人意見仍然是反對, 只提出對新購買來的個體進行一次浸浴(泡水)去除可能附帶的小蟲/蝨. 重點是如果個體快將近脫皮, 把牠們拿出來浸浴(泡水), 對牠們造成很大的壓力.

**注意這裏所說的浸浴(泡水), 部分是用了STRESS COAT

原文: http://crabstreetjournal.org/blog/2012/09/27/should-i-bathe-my-hermit-crab/


C聖大是台灣一位飼養者能成功人工繁殖陸寄居蟹)不主張強行浸浴(泡水), 簡單來說就是讓牠們自行攝取海水和淡水.


在我翻譯他的文章時, 我有說過, 因為他是其中一位日本飼養者能成功人工繁殖陸寄居蟹, 幼生也能上陸健康成長. 能成功人工繁殖的話, 即是他的飼養觀念, 態度, 和方法有一定的參考價值.


原文: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/okumani1105/e/571a8e4172cfb725020f668686db3fa5
翻譯: http://tonycoenobita.o-oi.net/Entry/878/


Sue Brown, 之前我也介紹過, 她是澳洲一位飼養者能成功人工繁殖陸寄居蟹.

網站: https://www.facebook.com/aussiecrabs/

Can't see the need. Water is available constantly and crabs can choose when they go in to salt or fresh water. Bathing them puts stress on them in my opinion. They use fresh and salt to get shell water to the salinity they want. If we dunk them in one of the other that's going to change the balance they have set up. Plus handling is stressful. I don't see my crabs for days or weeks on end so a regular bathing routine would not be possible.
看不到有浸浴(泡水)的需要. 因為飼養缸內有放海水和淡水, 牠們會自行選擇. 我認為浸浴(泡水)會對牠們造成壓力. 牠們會攝取淡水和海水去調節螺殼內的鹽濃度.如果我們替牠們浸浴(泡水), 會改變牠們已調節好的鹽度平衡. 加上拿牠們上來也造成壓力.有些個體幾日或幾星期都不會出現(意思指躲藏著的個體), 所以定期浸浴(泡水)是不可能.

That's why they need constant access to deep water.

They don’t have people bathing them in the wild so why would they suddenly need it in a well set up habitat in captivity

牠們在野外也沒有人為的浸浴(泡水), 所以有良好的飼養環境, 牠們不需要浸浴(泡水).



網站: http://curlz-crabs.blogspot.hk

When I bought Hermits in Shops (the early days) I took some of my saltwater and put it in a bowl  - to shortly put the new Hermits into it. To check if it got mites or anything else that could harm the terrarium.
以前, 我從寵物店買陸寄居蟹回來會把牠們浸浴(泡水)在海水一段短時間, 作用是檢查牠們有沒有附帶的小蟲/蝨, 影響飼養缸.

But when I get Hermits from other people I do not bath them. I checked them without bathing.
但如果陸寄居蟹是從其他飼養者接收, 我不會替牠們浸浴(泡水).

So for me I do not recommend bathing, too. No really need for it. But if it is a quick „dip in dip out“ for checking mites or stuff, it is ok and it does not harm the Hermits.
所以我不建議浸浴(泡水), 沒有需要. 但如果只是用於快速測試, 只浸一浸, 看看有沒有附帶的小蟲/蝨, 這是可以, 這不會傷害到牠們.

In my first opinion I thougth a quick bath in the saltwater out oft he tank it might take away the smell of the new Hermit. To prevent „fights“. But now after 9 years I know that’s nonsense. I’ve got a lot of Hermits without bathing before and nothing happens. No fights, no other behavior. 
以前我以為快速浸浴(泡水)可以讓牠們消除原來氣味, 防止牠們打架. 但9年後的現在, 我知道這是無意義的. 以後我都再沒有替牠們浸浴(泡水), 沒有特別事發生. 沒有打架, 沒有變化.


大家對Carol都不會陌生, 飼養西伯利斯陸寄居蟹現時為止近42年.

Years ago we all bathed our crabs. Then we decided that this upsets the balance of water and salt water that they keep inside their seashells. I stopped bathing him. He gets plenty of salt water and fresh filtered water in his dishes to drink and to keep his modified gills moist. I have not bathed him for many years.
很多年前, 我們都會替陸寄居蟹浸浴(泡水). 之後我們認為這會打亂牠們在螺殼內保存的淡水和海水平衡. 我停止了浸浴(泡水). 牠們(在飼養缸)有海水盆和淡水盆攝取水分, 保持牠們鰓部濕潤, 我已經很多年沒有替牠們浸浴(泡水).

So, if 42 years means anything, I'd say do not bath them. Let them drink water and clean out their own shells. You know, after he changes shells, maybe once a year or so, the one he leaves is always very clean.
所以, 飼養了42年已証明一切, 我會說不用替牠們浸浴(泡水). 讓牠們自行攝取水份和自行清潔螺殼. 每次牠們更換螺殼, 或許是一年或幾年一次, 你會發現舊的螺殼總是十分乾淨.

民眾愛撿貝殼 寄居蟹住進"垃圾屋"

2018/03/28 13:16 綜合報導  / 台北市



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