Hermit crabs a lovable pet if cared for properly
By Linda Lombardi, The Associated Press
Posted: 7/22/08 Section: Diversions
It's a summer tradition in many beach and boardwalk towns: you buy the kids a hermit crab in a brightly painted shell, take it home, and then, usually, it dies. You figure they don't live very long, and move on.
夏天總會有一個習慣, 便是在海灘和木板路(只直譯)給小朋友買螺殼畫了彩色圖案的陸寄居蟹, 帶牠們回家. 通常, 牠們很快會死亡. 大家會認為牠們的生命是這樣短, 不以為意.