找回一篇1977年的文章<Ecology of tropical hermit crabs at Quirimba Island, Mozambique: vertical migration(tree climbing)>.
有提到莫桑比克(=莫三比克, Moçambique)的陸寄居蟹, 文章中主要介紹灰白陸寄居蟹(Coenobita rugosus)和凹足陸寄居蟹(Coenobita cavipes)????
但其怪是在描述凹足陸寄居蟹(Coenobita cavipes)時是這樣:
In the Quirimba Archipelago of tropical northern Mozambique the small near-shore islands have wide intertidal zones, a large range of habitat types and an abundance and diversity of hermit crabs. Coenobita cavipes and C. rugosus are the most landward of 16 species of hermit crab which inhabit the intertidal region of the archipelago (Barnes 1997).Here C.cavipes occurs only in or close to mangrove forests and C. rugosus generally occurs on open areas of the supra-littoral such as beach or scrub vegetation, as has been described for more northerly East African population~(V annini 1976, Lewinsohn 1982). On Quirimba Island, the 2 species overlap on a stretch of coast, which has a thin veil of mangrove forest, and show both unusually extended periods of activity and distinct differences in activity with habitat type (Barnes 1997)
有提到Coenobita cavipes棲身於紅樹森或在紅樹森附近, 而我的想法是會不會之前有一些文章其實也是把藍紫陸寄居蟹/深紫陸寄居蟹(Coenobita violascens)和凹足陸寄居蟹(Coenobita cavipes)都弄錯了??
因為很多文章都沒有動物的圖片參考, 大多是文字和圖表.....所以都不能夠知道文章中所說的品種到底是否正確.