





Invisible "Skeleton" Supports Shell-less Crab, Study Finds

Invisible "Skeleton" Supports Shell-less Crab, Study Finds

Brian Handwerk
National Geographic News

April 19, 2006

Surviving without a skeleton can be a dicey challenge.

But crabs and other animals that periodically shed their hard shells, or exoskeletons, face just such a predicament.

New research suggests that at least one crab species adapts to this dangerous period by creating an internal "skeleton" made of gas from its guts.

Blackback crabs live almost entirely on land, returning to the water only to spawn.

Like other crustaceans, insects, and arachnids, the crabs must occasionally get rid of their exoskeletons to grow larger (related photo: molting mayfly).

"They essentially secrete what looks like a whole [shell] under the old one," said Jennifer Taylor, a biology doctoral student at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

"They pump themselves up and inflate their gut, and that increased pressure will cause the old outer skeleton to crack, so that the crab can back out of it."

Once out of its shell, the crab's covering is soft. That should mean that the animal must lie helpless and vulnerable during the several days it takes a new exoskeleton to harden.

But Taylor has found that the crab's high internal air pressure also produces a temporary rigidity—an air "skeleton" that allows the animal to move while still soft.

Taylor co-authored a new study on the crab, which appears in tomorrow's issue of the journal Nature.

"You can imagine a similar thing when you inflate a balloon: As you add more air it becomes a little more rigid," she explained.

"In the case of this crab the inflation of the gut is increasing the pressure of body fluids throughout the whole animal, making it more rigid. That provides something for muscles to contract against."

Liquid Bones?

In 2003 Taylor and co-author William M. Kier, professor of biology at UNC, described related research in the journal Science on blue crabs, which live entirely in water.

Those crabs were found to use a similar skeletal support mechanism based on internal water pressure.

For the land-based blackbacks, Taylor said, "One fact that may be important is that, by filling their gut with air rather than water, it makes the newly molted animal a lot lighter.

"On land, where they have to overcome gravity, that may be more significant."

Taylor notes that some insects swallow air to inflate their bodies when shedding their shells, but it's unknown whether they also use the air for skeletal support.

Study co-author Kier said, "At this point, we don't know how widespread pneumohydrostatic skeletons are.

"But they indeed may have been crucial to the process by which marine animals escaped from the sea millions of years ago and came to live on land."



在百度, 有蟹友分享了牠找到的文章, 關於陸寄居蟹是否會改造螺殼.


彩繪螺殼問題, 有證有據!!! 看片!!!!

終於今天在網上找到一段片段是香港浸會大學拍了, "PET你玩「嘢」呀".

為何不早點發現到這段片呀~!!, 原來2009年己拍, 雖然現在才找到, 但證明我們擔心的問題沒錯呀, 彩繪螺殼是不能使用!!!

聽完那藝裝蟹Alex的說法, 隻能一個字........"唉" (這樣的說話也可說出來, 還說是專賣店..)

百度連結: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=693597&uk=1093389977

為方便不明白廣告話的朋友, 把文字打出來(由00:53開始):

主持人: 不過商人這樣包裝這些寵物來吸引顧客, 是否把寵物當成沒有生命的玩具呢.

主持人: 這種寄居蟹半年前在香港成為新興的寵物, 主要的食糧是生果, 啫喱和面包, 在缸中放兩盆水, 和鋪沙在缸底就可以飼養.  


牠和海邊看到的寄居蟹不同, 隻在陸上生活



Alex: 因為通常有些, 例如想送禮物, 就會在殼上面寫上對方的名字, 一套可能2,3隻這樣送給別人. 我們聖誕節會有雪景, 聖誕樹和雪人屋, 還有鹿車的水盆.

主持人: 彩繪螺除了買已製作好的之外, 還可以自家製作. 是很漂亮, 但陸寄居蟹始終是生物, 顏料是甚麼成份, 又會不會傷害到蟹?

Alex: 因為其實有兩層, 一層要晝, 一層要噴. 噴那層會用染衣服的顏料, 一些對人體沒有毒的顏料, 跟著就會油光油(叻架), 另外再上層就會是塑膠彩, 這種塑膠彩其本上上了色後會很硬, 不會掉.

因為其實寄居蟹本身沒有殼, 你可以當牠的殼是衣服, 隻不過是在衣服上加層顏枓, 使牠們可愛些, 全部也沒有毒的. 不是在生物上面加colour(顏料), 而是在牠衣服上加colour(顏料).

主持人: 陸棲寄居蟹是新興的寵物, 店員推銷的時候標榜牠們長命, 佔用空間少, 價錢平, 好玩, 和易打理.

店員: 一般照顧牠們都很簡單. 牠們吃的東西都是蘋果, 蘿蔔, 或者提子, 一些沒有油沒有味精的食物, 基本上很容易打理.

客人: 要不要帶小朋友到來親身教他養?

店員: 不用, 很簡單的. 我們提供一些飼養需知可以看看. 其實沒有甚麼要打理.

主持人: 周太四個月前, 花了1000多元, 買了4隻彩繪殼的陸棲寄居蟹來飼養, 現在死剩2隻.

周太: 隻要告訴我很容易飼養, 小朋友買回去不用打理便可以, 跟著說每天給牠們水啦.....買給我的那兩個店員, 可以告訴你, 99%也知道他們不專業, 隻是想做成這單生意, 比較商業.

主持人: 周生之後上網看資料, 才知道怎樣飼養牠們. 好像鋪蟹缸用的沙, 高度要比蟹高, 才能該牠們脫皮, 否則會死, 這些資料店員都沒有說過. 而且還發現塗鴉殼有問題.

周太: 上網再看看, 原來那些殼真的有危險性, 跟著二話不說把牠們放在水中, 原來會掉色. 原先買回來的條紋很漂亮的, 放水後擦一擦, 已經是這個效果(掉色在水裏), 其實即是一定會有, 某程度上的物質, 那溶解方面會是怎樣溶解呢, 其實牠們平時都會接解水, 那水會不會溶解顏料呢, 但這些水牠們要喝的喔, 要用來沖涼的喔, 是嗎? 他們開頭還和我宣傳可以自己畫的, 隻要買一個殼回來, 再拿顏料自己畫, 那就可以擁有獨特的款式. 那個推銷手法來說, 即是誤導了很多人, "你拿那個殼來玩啦, 那個殼很好玩的".

主持人: 要自己製作彩繪寄居蟹殼, 除了用油性顏料書圖案之外, 最重要在最外層油上俗稱光油的模型油, 使殼更加漂亮.

主持人: 記者委託了浸會大學生物系實驗室做一個實驗, 跟據寄居蟹店主提供的方法, 用他們的顏料在寄居蟹殼上油上圖案和光油, 又再一隻殼沒有加工的寄居蟹放在同一環境內養.

最後貼上標籤, 一星期後我們發現彩繪螺殼那一隻出現食慾不振.

實驗員: 我們看到最大的分別是, 我們放了兩個啫喱狀的食物. 沒有油上顏料這一隻寄居蟹, 我們可以很明顯看到牠消耗了的食物是多很多. 長遠來說如果牠一直都是食慾不振的話, 會影響牠的生長率, 如果牠在發育階段糧食不足, 可以使動物發育不良, 甚至長遠來說會使牠們死亡.

主持人: 在理工大學的任教的楊志雄專門研究化學物質對海洋生物的影響性, 他說光油會危害寄居蟹的生命.

楊教授: 光油或模型油, 要用天拿水和松節水稀釋, 如果天拿水和松節水殘餘下來, 那寄居蟹便會吸引松節水或天拿水, 這些有機溶劑對大部分生物來說是有害的, 可能會被吸引到身體內, 而造成一定不同的傷害. 我們也知道這些溶劑會對中樞神經有一定的影響.

那寄居蟹, 你說這樣低等的生物, 不會好像人表現到興奮, 但牠們都有神經系統, 都會損害到的.


台灣何時可以像聖誕島國家公園, 興建天橋給動物橫過馬路呢??


[07/06 Tony]
[07/06 Momoko]
[07/08 手语]
[05/30 手语]
[05/29 Tony]



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