沒錯, 日本/美國的確推出了彩繪螺殼好一段時間.
不過, 日本人/美國人自己也不會使用.
以下是我詢問日本其中一位板主, 她有一句說話真的"一針見血", 「真面目に飼育している人は買いません - 認真飼養的人不會購買」.
而且其理念和我們的都一樣. 看以下板主意見:
Re:ヤドカリペイント(陸寄居蟹顏料) 管理人さん 【2008/06/15 18:46:12】
トニーさん レスを付けたつもりが反映されていなかったようで、返事が遅くなってしまいました。ゴメンナサイ。
Tony, 遲了回覆不好意思.
在日本, 因為很多人覺得彩繪螺殼『很可愛』, 所以業者正大量販賣, 但認真飼養的人不會購買. 原因以下:
・陸寄居蟹會啃食螺殼上的顏料, 尤其連螺殼內也塗上顏料, 對牠們有害(危險).
・看一眼也覺得怪誕(俗句所謂鬼五馬六), 普通自然的螺殼較好.
以上原因等等, 批評彩繪螺殼的人十分多.
而另一位美國業者本身也反對使用彩繪螺殼, 看以下:
As cute as some of the painted shells are, we have decided nohermit crab shell poorly paintedt to carry painted shells due to the materials currently being used. I’ve spoken with shell companies about my concern regarding toxicity of the paint. Most companies assure me that the actual paint itself is nontoxic, but the coating used to protect the paint from chipping is an automotive clear coat finish. When crabs are kept in a sandy substrate deep enough to bury as we advocate, the sand acts as sand paper and eventually the shells begin to chip. Since hermit crabs eat so much of what is in their environment, there is a chance they could ingest that. I just don’t feel the risk is worth it. So, until a material is used that is completely harmless, painted shells won’t be offered. In addition to the beautiful natural shells offered, The Crabbage Patch carries beautiful carved shells in a variety of designs and a selection of shells that have been buffed and polished as well, all without harmful coatings or paint.