





斐濟刺足陸寄居蟹(Coenobita spinosus)

看台灣節目<世界第一等>竟然看到野外的刺足陸寄居蟹, 太好了, 第一隻看到野生刺足陸寄居蟹的片段.


馬達加斯加(Madagascar)發現紅日陸寄居蟹(アカツキオカヤドカリCoenobita pseudorugosus)實體??

這篇是說網主不知道原來馬達加斯加(Madagascar)是有陸寄居蟹的. 某天在海邊附近的辦公室工作完後, 到海邊散步的途中, 看到在道邊草叢有些東西在動, 跟著便拍到了這張美麗的相片了. (中段省略) 在網上調查了, 這是紅日陸寄居蟹.


不過看圖我認為是深紫陸寄居蟹(Coenobita violascens)的幼體, 雖然看不到左螯腳有沒有斜向顆粒, 但看觸角顏色和體色應該是深紫陸幼體沒錯.

在網上也找到了馬達加斯加有成體深紫陸的圖片(如下). 即是說這個地方有深紫陸的存在, 所以有幼體也正常呢.



**可是藍紫陸寄居蟹(Coenobita violacens)的圖片仍然是凹足陸寄居蟹(Coenobita cavipes)

Coenobita hilgendorfi 短腕陸寄居蟹都是雄性!?!?


B1 & B2 C.brevimanus Danna, 1852 - 短掌陸寄居蟹 & C.hilgendorfi Terao, 1913 - 短腕陸寄居蟹

這次研究,我們在台灣收集了超過 100 隻 C.hilgendorfi 樣本,有趣的是所有樣本都是雄性 (甲長 43-52mm)。更加有趣的是,經過長時間 (超過一年)在研究室的環境下,有部分的雄性,在脫殼後變成了雌性。性別改變了的個體,在形態上也有改變,由C.hilgendorfi (左螯腳掌部,外形較長,背面幾乎不平滑,佈滿細小顆粒) 變成 C.brevimanus (左螯腳掌部,外形呈弧形狀,背面向中間凸圖,差不多平滑)。 

在將來的研究,關於這品種的性別和形態上的關係更加值得關注。我們在這裏認為 C.hilgendorfi 和 C.brevimanus 是相同品種,而 C.hilgendorfi 這種形態只會出現在雄性個體身上。 

一直以來, 都是坊間會再以螯腳外狀, 裸粒分佈來細分短掌陸寄居蟹和短腕陸寄居蟹, 學者所出版的書籍一般都沒有詳細討論這點.

最近看了<恆春半島的陸蟹>一書, 終於有有提及了, 而且和上文也有吻合的說法 - 就是左螯外形狹長, 有明顯顆粒的是雄性. (某些雄性, 沒有提及雌性, 即雌性不會有這特徵).


總括來說, 即是:
C.brevimanus 短掌陸寄居蟹-->雌性和部分雄性
C.hilgendorfi 短腕陸寄居蟹-->只有雄性, 沒有雌性

果然C.hilgendorfi 短腕陸寄居蟹左螯外形較長, 佈滿細小顆粒的個體, 外型看起來比較"強悍", 是雄性嗎? 

C.hilgendorfi 短腕陸寄居蟹有兩點可以繼續去探索:
1. 體色都是呈紫灰色至深褐色的, 好像沒有紅豆色?
2. 體型都是大個體, 未有看過細小的個體? 難道這品種長到某一個體型就會變成C.hilgendorfi 短腕陸寄居蟹??


Is new species Coenobita Brunneus identified officially? 3

關於Coenobita Brunneus此品種, 到現在都沒有下定論.


Coenobita brunneus
Similar to C.rugosus
Distribution: East Africa, Indo-Pacific.
Size: Length of the front part of cephalothorax (head) up to 15 mm. Medium to large, he will use shells up to 40 mm opening.
Location: Coastal forests.
Colour:  dark brown to black.
Food and feeding: Omnivorous, makes an excellent reptile cage cleaner, symbionic with reptiles. Supplement with occasional fruits and vegetables.
Behaviour: Similar to C. Cavipes.
Basic care: Température 20/26 ° C. Humidity 70/80 %. He will hide under pieces of plants for molting. If not bought as as reptile cage cleaner, diet should be for 80 % vegetables or fruits, and 20 % meat-based.

另外, 在一位飼養者的相簿也找到一張寫著此品種的照片.

其實在很早的時候, 一些在外國的蟹友已經說出過有關業者時常說出有新品種的意見, 這正是和我所想的一樣.

Author: MacandHunter » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:45 pm
I'm kind of disappointed with the response to this. This is why online crab shops rub me the wrong way. How come everyone who posted so far was mostly interested in buying the crab, and saying how much they like to buy crabs?

Before we go on a shopping spree, I think we need to talk about the fact that this is a "new" species that they just named themselves. They have no information on it at all, except a sales pitch that it is friendly blah blah blah. Of course we don't want a crab that is grumpy all the time.  :roll: What is different about this species? Is this really a new species, or has it been around forever, and is just simply new to the commercial world? It's very sad that the first time we hear of such a species is in an online store! A new species is huge! But how unprofessional have things gotten when a new species is introduced to us with a price tag right next to the name?

Author: wodesorel » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:56 pm
I've been thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to start anything. I have to question selling a "new species" when it has NEVER been mentioned anywhere else. The other species we keep have been studied and documented as separate species. Without dissecting one to determine that it is truly different from the "main" species, or even doing DNA sequencing to see what if anything is different, how can a person make a claim of a new species? 
It's probably just a color variant - not a separate species. I'm sure there are little pockets of hermits all over the world that look different to the rest of the population due to special diets alone - crabs that eat nothing but coconut because it's all that's available are going to look very different to crabs that have a very varied diet. We've seen that in our own tanks!

在我看來, 這所謂新品種只是一種深色糸的灰白陸寄居蟹來.


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