





我覺得很多業者是經常, 說自已有隔離脫皮, 但他們所說的隔離脫皮是陸寄居蟹在沙面脫後(看到一堆舊甲殼在旁), 才把牠隔離, 而不是正常的, 把出現脫皮先兆的個體隔離, 讓牠們埋土脫皮.

This crab came out from substrate after 30 days for molting. One day before he come out, there is an opening of burrow in substrate coconut soil. You can see coconut soil burrow can provide a suitable room for crab to molt. While substrate sand is easy to collapse if moisture is not enough or too dry. Sand also difficult to make a large burrow for big crabs.

It is more safety let the crabs molt alone in isolation tank,so they will not be bothered by other crabs. We had experience that other crabs come in and out the substrate in the same tank also affect the burrow that the molting crab already dug.

Proper isolation method is that isolate the crab before molt (know the crab already appear sign of molt), NOT isolate the crab AFTER he surface molted.

high quality photos from The Biodiversity of Singapore

Here are some high quality photos from The Biodiversity of Singapore that did not show in the article <A new species of land hermit crab in the genus Coenobita Latreille,1829 from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, previously confused with C. cavipes Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae)>


2016年7月出生的日本幼蟹, 已4歲了.

找回2018年PO過的照片, 把尺寸弄到接近1:1, 和2020的對比一下. 這2年的成長幅度十分大. 

今天想說說, 飼養幼蟹的難度十分高, 存活率不高.

2016年 --> 4隻深紫陸, 3隻紫陸 (一共接收了7隻)

2018年 --> 3隻深紫陸, 2隻紫陸

2019年 --> 2隻深紫陸, 1隻紫陸

圖片是6月拍的, 有一隻深紫陸在脫皮.

主要因難是剛上陸的幼蟹, 體型太小了, 最初1-2年/2.5年, 躲藏在底材的時間很頻繁, 所以掌握不到何時脫皮, 造成不能隔離出來脫皮.

死亡的個體都是只剩下空螺殼, 找不到死體. 這點以前我問過日本和外國的人工繁殖成功者, 也有相同的情況, 死因應該是脫皮失敗, 死體體積太小, 直接被分解了.

想一想, 人工繁殖陸寄居蟹並不容易, 上陸前存活率很低不在話下, 即使上陸了的幼蟹存活率也不高, 2015年的時候, 從蟹友口中聽說過有位網名姓虎大的人, 自已沒好好養蟹, 卻看不起成功人工繁殖陸寄蟹的蟹友, 跟蟹友說過一些說話, 聽聞的內容是說自已「當初飼養多達約一千到一千五隻, 還請了一個人幫忙照顧打理, 一個月死不到五隻. 如果想知道養死最多的是誰, 可以去問問某位繁殖陸寄居蟹的人, 問問洗卵後有幾隻? 背殼的又剩下幾隻? 其牠的到那裏去?」, 有認識他的蟹友, 可以去問問他飼養的一千到一千五隻, 到那裏去? (預計答案應該是已賣光了, 雖然曾自稱很愛蟹)

Coenobita lila vs Coenobita violascens

在bilibili, 有蟹友介紹如何分別Coenobita lila和Coenobita violascens.


Coenobita lila - 有"反L"的凹位
Coenobita violascens - 沒有有"反L"的凹位

這個分別能用於很難分別的Coenobita rugosus和Coenobita purpureus嗎?

Credit: 壳壳蟹有意思



[07/06 Tony]
[07/06 Momoko]
[07/08 手语]
[05/30 手语]
[05/29 Tony]



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